Recommended Reading
Ad Gentes "The Mission Activity of the Church" - Vatican II (English, Chinese)
Apostolicam Actuositatem "The Apostolate of the Laity" - Vatican II (English, Chinese)
Asia and Pacific Presence in the US: Harmony in Faith - USCCB (English, Chinese)
Christifidelis Laici "Christ's Lay Faithful" - St. John Paul II (English, Chinese)
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church - Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (English, Chinese)
Evangelii Gaudium "The Joy of the Gospel" - Pope Francis (English, Chinese)
Forming Intentional Disciples - Sherry Weddell
I Once Was Lost - Don Everts and Doug Schaupp
Rejoicing in the Asian and Pacific Presence in the US - USCCB (English, Japanese, Malayalam)
What is the Mission of the Church? - Kevin DeYoung
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